We believe
Our Motto 'transforming lives equipping men' and our 3'd mission statements are 'discovery, discipleship and deployment'.
We believe :
In Trinity of the God head- God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.(1John 5.7; John 1. 1-3; 17.11,21; Acts 17.28-29)
That Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Saviour of the world. (John 3.16-17; 4.42; Hebrews 1.3-8; 1John 4.14)
That Jesus died on the cross of calvary, was buried, and rose from death on the third day, as He had said. (Matthew 27.32-50; 28.1-10; Acts 1.2-11)
In the second coming of Christ. (Acts 1.11; 1Thessalonians 4.14-18)
That one must be born again in other to enter the kingdom of God. (John 1.12-13; 3.3-6 ; 1Peter 1.22-23)
That Jesus Christ is the way to God (John 14.6; Ephesians 2.18; 1John 5.20)
You need sanctification to serve God in this age, that is, to be set apart for the word of God. (John 8.32; 17.17-19; Psalm 19.7-11)
You need the baptism of water and the Holy Spirit to access the Kingdom of God (John 3.5; Matthew 3.5-16; Acts 2.1-4; 8.35-40; 10.44-48; 19.1-7)
In the speaking of other tongues as the Holy Spirit gives utterance (Mark 16.17; Acts 2.4-13; 19.6; 1Corinthians 14.2-5
In the preaching of the word of God everywhere with signs following (Mark 16.20; Luke 10.8-12 ; 2Timothy 4.1-5)
In Holy matrimony, the marriage ordained by God between a man and a woman according to the Holy Bible (Genesis 2.23-25; 3.20; 4.1-2; Matthew 19.4-6; Ephesians 5.22-23)